Coronado Shores Condominium Association #9
January 17, 2020
A meeting of the Board of Directors of Coronado Shores Condominium Association #9 was called to
order by Board President Jon Schiff at 9:00 AM on Friday, January 17, 2020 in the conference room
located at 1820 Avenida del Mundo, Coronado California.
Directors Present:
Jon Schiff (President)
Wayne Miletta (Treasurer)
Therese Abboud (Secretary)
Ken Sigelman (Member at Large)
Others Present:
Rafael Estrada (Association General Manager)
7 homeowners
Consent Agenda:
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following Consent Agenda was approved:
December 20, 2019 General Meeting Minutes
December 31, 2019 Financial Report
Nothing to report.
El Mirador Building Committee Reports:
Architectural Update Tony Abboud:
Unit 607 is replacing floor tile.
Unit 606 is completely done.
Unit 703 is still being remodeled.
Unit 1109 is replacing all unit windows.
Landscape Committee Patricia Boer:
• South Campus:
At the December meeting, it was decided to incorporate the proposed fountain at the
entry gate to the three building on the south side of the Shores, into a larger master
plan for the entire south campus including the Guard House/Main entrance. As a follow
up to this decision, at the January meeting the committee voted to request that the L&R
provide $5,000 in seed money for a plan focused on the three buildings on the south
campus and another $5,000 in seed money to include the Main entrance to Shores. L&R
has reported approving the committee’s request.
• North Campus:
The Site Plan for the North Gate on Avenida Del Sol was designed in cooperation among
the Shores, Hotel and City of Coronado. The plan was presented to the Landscape
Committee at the January meeting confirming that the Hotel will fund the cost of
construction and plantings. Our responsibility will be for maintenance for ground cover,
with the City of Coronado maintaining any trees not on the private property of the
Renovation Group Ann Kennedy:
The committee is in the process of putting things together. Three current and recent remodels
include La Sierra Tower, Las Flores Tower, Cabrillo Tower and La Princesa Tower. Designers
recommend very different ideas for H shaped buildings. It is estimated that well over 2 million
will be needed to remodel the hallways and lobby. Expense will be broken down. Start date is
being planned for late this year.
Insurance Committee Ann Kennedy:
No report.
L&R Committee Reports:
L&R Committee Wayne Miletta:
The lagoon was fixed. It had an electrical problem. Pools are going to get remodeled. Total cost
$217,000. Heaters will be turned off while under construction. Landscape committee will be
updating rules. Will send an email blast to all homeowners with a draft.
Beach Club Advisory Group Therese Abboud:
2019 was a favorable year. Super Bowl party is February 2nd. Entrance fee is $25. One drink is
included. There will be large TV screens, new sound system and prices. $100 will be waived to
reserve the clubhouse. Beach club renovation is being discussed. Valentine Beach Club dance
will be February 14th. Two vendors needed for the fashion show. Next meeting will be February
Community Alliance Group Ann Kennedy:
Deciding where to put huge piecework of public art made out of bronze. Planning on getting
bathrooms and bike racks for the public. Have talked to the mayor to discuss how dangerous it is
for pedestrians to cross the strand. It will take one or two more years to work on this issue since
Caltrans is involved.
Enforcement Committee Claire Conley:
No Report.
Old Business:
Financial Management Agreement
Eugene Burger Management Corporation signed and approved contract.
Other business:
Maintenance Report
No emergencies to report. There was one water leak from a master bathroom ceiling that was
caused by a worn out master bedroom WC ring seal. Minor damage reported. Violations
included kid riding his scooter in the terrace. There were noise complaints regarding
construction remodeling work. Projects include window washing from Suspended Services Inc.,
wiring of fiber cable into lower lobby electrical room by AT&T and Easy Flow working on 02
New Business:
AT&T Telephone Service Update
Aaron Meere and his boss came to give an update on the wiring of fiber optics into the lobby.
Work will be completed sometime by mid February. Homeowners will also have the option to
get fiber optics to their units.
Security Cameras HHSI Inc.
Steve Hesselbach from H&H System Integration gave a presentation on proposals to install new
camera system for the building. Boards asked how long will these technologies last. Steve
mention ip coax cable will be around for a while at least for the next 5 years. HHSI will warranty
the installation for 1 year. The front desk would control the cameras from a computer. Cameras
are motion activated and can record three to five months depending on the terabyte size. The
proposal does not include rigid conduit installation in building conduit. Installation would be
done by an electrician. Board suggested to wait on any motion until all five Board members be
present and a proposal by an electrician to install the conduit be submitted to the manager.
Garage 110 & 220 Volt Electrical Outlets
Board asked to contact SDG&E regarding electrical charging stations. Board also asked to look
for any report done in the past regarding the electrical charging stations.
Proposed Election Rules 2020
As of January 1, 2020 every association will need to amend its Election Operating Rules due to
the passing of Senate Bill 323. Amendment to Election Rules will be submitted to association
attorney to revise.
Parking Garage Striping
It was agreed that it would be best to first power wash the garages first before striping.
Homeowners Communication
There was no written communication from the owners.
Next Meeting: February 21, 2020
They’re being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned pursuant to a
motion passed unanimously at approximately 11:35 a.m.
______________________________________ ________________________
Therese Abboud, Secretary Date