Coronado Shores Condominium Association #9
November 17,2023
The meeting was convened by David Zacharias at 9:01 am on October 20, 2023
Directors Present:
David Zacharias, President
Irene Pedroza, Vice President
Luis Lozano, Treasurer by Zoom
Elizabeth Hammond, Secretary by Zoom
Carlos Atri, Member at Large by Zoom
Others Present:
Rafael Estrada, Association General Manager
Jason Cardenas, Pro Tec
Jack Hammond, Remodeling Committee Chair by Zoom
Homeowners by zoom and in person
Consent Agenda:
Upon motions duly made, seconded and carried by the Board of Directors, the following consent agenda items were approved with the following changes:
General Board Meeting Minutes, October 20, 2023 approved with changes suggested by the directors. Amendments will be made prior to availability.
Executive Minutes, September 15, 2023, approved as written.
Delinquencies: Luis Lozano
One unit is delinquent 180 days is under legal action by our attorney, Elizabeth French. There has been little progress getting owners to sign up for autopay.
Financial Report
Luis presented the summary finance statement. Homeowners dues will increase by 20% in 2024 in order to increase our reserve amounts and satisfy current operating expenses which will increase due to the increase in insurance rates (50%) and the need to make major improvements in 2024 costing $450,000. See PROTEC report below.
Reserve currently has $1,400,000. Board intends to add $444,000 to the reserve fund in 2024. Funds borrowed for operations in 2022 ($100,000) have been repaid. The $32,000 monthly additions to reserves were not done in 2022. The additions to reserves have been done as required in 2023. 2024 budget was presented and approved by the board. The October summary financial statement is available on building link. A lengthy discussion ensued about the status of our finances and understanding of the various elements. Owners with questions are encouraged to attend the open finance meetings which usually occur in the conference room 1-2 days prior to the board meeting. The exact day and time will be announced when it is defined each month.
Reserve study status: Associate Reserves will be hired to replace Barrerra for the reserve study. They will begin their 3 year review for the next three years in November. More information about the status of the reserve and best actions to be taken will be provided after their initial analysis.
President’s report.
David reported that the sprinkler repairs will be done in November. Owners will be billed for these repairs. We are currently looking at bids to survey each unit for plumbing issues in kitchens, bathrooms, laundry, and bar sinks. The survey will occur after a contractor is chosen. Recommended repairs will be performed by a plumbing contractor who will be hired to perform all repairs. Owners will be asked to sign a waiver holding the HOA harmless for damages if such repairs are satisfactorily made. Owners will receive an email detailing how the repairs will occur and asking for their signatures to allow access to their units. A leak detection system for the building is desirable but very expensive. Our current best plan is to define what system (such as MOEN) could be suggested to all homeowners for monitoring their condos. Rafael is working to define which system would be able to provide unit installations that would notify the front desk instead of the homeowner in the event of a leak so that remediation can bepromptly implemented. Having auto shut off valves was also discussed but this modification of the valves in units may lead to blockages that are not desirable and would require plumbing intervention. SDGE is refusing to reimburse us for the erroneous invoices paid in 2022. After seeking legal counsel, it was deemed unwise to pursue legal action since it is unlikely to result in repayment. We will file a complaint with the public utilities commission.
El Mirador Building Committee Reports:
Insurance Committee: Farmers insurance has declined to provide insurance to the Coronado Shores. Our insurance agent is seeking other bids and feels positive that we will be able to an appropriate policy.
Renovation Committee(RC)- Jack Hammond.
Design and pricing process and status to date:
1. On April 5, 2023 Award of project to HGW(Hanna Gabriel Wells) as winners of a design competition and were awarded the job. And proceeded to complete design to a level of 15% of schematic design together with a cost estimate of the same. The estimate of cost was higher than expected.
2.David Zacharias asked the Design Committee to work with the design team to redesign the remodeling so that the project cost would fall within a range of $6.5 – $7 million
3. HGW and El Mirador Design Committee have responded to reduce cost by:
a. Changing, or eliminating certain components and spaces while maintaining high quality of design, materials, and detailing.
b. Hiring a professional cost estimator to provide a project cost estimate and to track the cost reduction resulting from these actions. Hiring a professional, San Diego based cost estimator named Cumming to re-estimate the entire project and track the cost saving found in the revised design
4. On November 10, 2023 HGW hosted a meeting of the Design Committee, HGW, and Cumming, the cost estimator, to see and review the first version of the revised design. HGW reported that the probable cost would be near $6.5 million.
5. Further design work has been requested to show us the revised and less
expensive design. Certain items were eliminated in the cost reduction study thatwill be deemed too important to be eliminated and will be reinstated such as the lift. Certain items have not been well enough defined for consideration such as the exterior entrance, and the reception desk and its relationship with the office area. The office will not be reconfigured at this time.
6. The actual and final cost will be determined by the choice of the lowest bid from each of 4 prequalified general contractors.
7. The incorporated design changes and refinements have been commissioned to HGW and they are underway in this effort. A date for the completion of this work has not yet been set. We will proceed to determine a time for the completion of that work.
Landscape Committee- Patricia Boer. See report
L &R Committee Report- Irene Pedroza.
A $12,000 emergency loan was approved so that books at the end of the year would balance. A sand study is being undertaken. Coronado is undertaking a historical review of any buildings at least 50 years old, some of which would be Coronado shores buildings. In 2024, vehicles over the height restriction of the covered parking areas will also not be allowed in the uncovered areas of the complex. Make sure your stickers for cars are up to date because towing will again occur. A strategic plan for L&R will be undertaken next year. Preparations for Christmas festivities are underway and volunteers are needed. QR codes for the L&R application will be posted in elevators so that more homeowners can use the system to find out about activities.
Enforcement Committee- Clare Conley- See report
Unit Renovation Approval Committee- Rudy Sanchez No report
Fire Inspection Next Steps:
The unit inspection revealed many defective sprinklers. Sprinklers are being replaced after notification of owners in elevators and in writing during November. After replacement, owners will be billed for these services. PROTECH PresentationJason provided a detailed report which is available from the manager and will be uploaded to Building Link. There are many infrastructure repairs needed and the Board is committed to doing these repairs as quickly as possible.
1. 2 Closed loop pumps on the roof for heating and airconditioning must be replaced in 2024, first one and then the other if not functioning. Variable frequency drives are needed. The cost will be ~$100,000.
2. Unit providing air handling and air conditioning for common areas needs to be replaced. Cost will be ~$175,000.
3. Roof membrane repair or replacement is required in 2024. The most desirable options are still in discussion. Depending on the solution chosen the cost will be $175,000 to $400,000. We will find a solution which provides a 20 year warranty.
A lengthy discussion with Jason ensured describing frustrations with the processes in place. Several steps will be undertaken to rectify this situation. Homeowners who want more information about the maintenance issues are encouraged to attend the Monday morning meetings at 9 am where the most pressing issues are discussed and homeowners can ask questions. Jason is the leader for these issues subject to board approval. The comprehensive list of all items in need of repair with estimates of cost should be available soon. Any homeowner can have a copy of this report. Based upon it, the reserve study will be updated and homeowners will be informed of future actions.
Rules and Regulations
A draft copy of the rules and regulations will be available from the manager and sent by email and whatsapp to all homeowners. Everyone is encouraged to read these rules and comment upon them, so that we can develop a final draft for board approval. We hope this can be completed by December 31, 2023.
Old Business:
Package Process: Owners are returning their signed release to put packages into units when they are away. Those who have not done so should do it promptly.
Complaints: None received. Note: please submit in writing as requested.
Owner feedback: Received and noted.