Coronado Shores Condominium Association #9
August 18, 2023
The meeting was convened by David Zacharias at 9:01 am on August 18, 2023
Directors Present:
David Zacharias, President
Irene Pedroza, Vice President by Zoom
Luis Lozano, Treasurer
Elizabeth Hammond, Secretary
Carlos Atri, Member at Large
Others Present:
Rafael Estrada, Association General Manager
Jack Hammond AIA, Advisor to Board
Jason Cardenas, Pro Tec
Rich Downier, Schindler Elevator
Monte Lukov, Schindler Elevator
John Reynolds, HKA Elevator Consultants
Homeowners by zoom
Consent Agenda:
Upon motions duly made, seconded and carried by the Board of Directors, the following consent agenda items were approved with the following changes:
General Board Meeting Minutes, July 21, 2023, approved.
Executive Minutes, July 21, approved as written.
Delinquencies: Rafael Estrada
10 units have minor delinquencies. One unit is delinquent 180 days and has not responded to telephone, email or text message inquires. This matter will be referred to our legal counsel, Elizabeth French.
It is recommended that the 90 units not on autopay be asked to make that commitment. Rafael will write them a letter with the necessary form included.
Financial Report. Luis presented the summary finance statement. Last year $100,000 was borrowed from reserves for operating expenses. This has been repaid to the reserve account. The $32,000 monthly reserve provision from operations has not been paid this year and although operations could make the payment in August, such payment will not be made to give operations some flexibility in the management of its monthly cash flow.
Reserve currently has $1,400,000. One account that was for special assessments will be closed ($57,000) and consolidated into the remaining account. During July, $860,000 of three-month Treasuries was purchased at a yield of about 5.2%. The balance the main account is invested in a savings account earning about 5.2%.
2024 budget will be prepared and presented in October.
President’s report.
SDGE interaction. SDGE notified us that it had received our demand for reimbursement for the $68,000 overcharge from Dec 2022-Feb 2022 due to their faulty meter. Response stated the first meter was checked and proven to be 99.5% accurate. This response was unsatisfactory. The forewoman who replaced the second meter previously advised us, that the first meter was never checked for therm calibration but rather sent to be re-furbished and therefore not available to be tested. Another letter was written demanding proof that the meter was El Mirador’s and that it was checked.
El Mirador Building Committee Reports:
Insurance Committee: Insurance rates will likely go up about 25% in 2023-2024.
Renovation Committee(RC)- Jack Hammond
HGW held a town hall on August 2, 2023. Owners’ thoughts and ideas were compiled. Other ideas have been collected from emails sent to Jack Hammond, Irene Pedroza and David Zacharias. The RC held a meeting with HGW after the town hall to discuss further modifications. Another RC meeting is scheduled for Monday August 21. A process is in place to finalize costs but it is taking more time than expected. The August 29th town hall has been cancelled until a definite cost number is available.
Landscape Committee- Patricia Boer. See attached report. David signed the necessary form to get the trees trimmed at the back of the building.
L &R Committee Report-
The meeting was abbreviated. There will be a 9.3% rise in costs to each building in 2024 due to many existing maintenance issues to address. Insurance costs will go up 25%. Farmers will inspect our building and one other shortly to define loss vulnerabilities.
Beach Club Advisory Report- Therese Abboud – See report
Enforcement Committee- Clare Conley- See report
Maintenance Report- Rafael Estrada –See report
PROTECH Presentation
Jason described the current issues that are priorities. Vendors are being vetted to be sure they have proper insurance and licenses. A list of vetted vendors will be on Building Link. A list of issues needing work is being compiled along with the projected expenses. Hearn mechanical was hired to replace the non-functioning pump of the cooling tower, which was deemed an urgent matter. The hallway air conditioner needs replacement soon. We are still negotiating with a vendor for the roof repair.
Two serious floods occurred in the building causing multiple units significant damage. Such leaks were the responsibility of specific condo owners raising the question of proper maintenance of water supply lines in each condo. Rafael is working on a proposed policy to periodically change water lines and angle stops. Further discussion will be held at the next board meeting.
Two serious floods occurred that caused significant damage to units below the unoccupied units leading to the floods. Rafael quickly engaged vendors to stop the flooding and affected homeowners are having contractors help with unit damage. Each owner affected is asked to contact their own insurance company and submit a claim. The owners of units where the water leak occurred will also provide their insurance information. The insurance companies should coordinate with owners to define how payment of damages will occur. This is a frustrating and difficult situation for all. The flooding involved the stairwell causing the fire marshall to suggest shutting down the building. The contractor working in the stairwell helped to prevent building shut down by offering to remove all protective equipment each night so that egress is always guaranteed.
We reviewed the situation with the elevators that continue to have issues. Car 1 has broken down multiple times. As usual, Schindler has been non-responsive. Two Schindler executives attended this meeting and heard again about the issues. They will be here all-day Monday to work on Car 1, address damage to the doors and provide the long-delayed elevator call button.
We are hiring an elevator consultant who will compare the equipment, installation, and function of the existing elevators and the contract documents. A summary of his findings will be sent to Schindler for response. We are paying a monthly elevator maintenance fee that will also be assessed by the consultant.
Rules and Regulations
Elizabeth Hammond will lead a committee to review and update our rules and regulations. She is asking for volunteers to help with this project. Anyone reading the rules and regulations and finding important changes should forward those to her.
Old Business:
Package Process: Owners are returning their signed release to put packages into units when they are away. Those who have not done so should do it promptly.
A renter’s dog urinated on the patio, causing urine to run down onto the terrace below. This prompted a discussion about creating a policy for owners to deal with such issues. In this case, the owner was unavailable. We agreed that in such cases the leasing agent should immediately be notified and deal with damages. That applies to any damage created by renters. We will develop a policy to require each owner to have their updated contact information available including an emergency contact if the owner is not available, insurance contact information, along with the completed lease as previously specified. Owners who do not do this will have renters denied entrance. In the updated policy, owners will also be required to shut off water in their units when unoccupied for 1 month or more. This cannot be done centrally since all water is controlled by stack, not by unit.
Owner feedback:
The voice mail at the front desk must be changed to state that someone will be back shortly. They can add that any medical emergency issues should be called to 911.
Owners who want their lateral lines done can contact Easyflow and get it done for $4800.
Draft minutes for each meeting will be posted on building link as soon as available.
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