Coronado Shores Condominium Association #9



June 16,2023

The meeting was convened by David Zacharias at 9:01 am April 21, 2023

Directors Present:

David Zacharias, President

Irene Pedroza, Vice President

Luis Lozano, Treasurer  Excused

Elizabeth Hammond, Secretary

Carlos Atri, Member at Large by zoom

Others Present:

Rafael Estrada, Association General Manager

Jack Hammond AIA, Advisor to Board

Consent Agenda:

Upon motions duly made, seconded and carried by the Board of Directors, the following consent agenda items were approved with the following changes:

General Board Meeting Minutes, May 19, 2023, approved.

Executive Minutes, May 19,2023,  approved as written.

Delinquencies: Rafael Estrada

Current delinquencies are minimal. The board encourages all owners to sign up for automatic withdrawal of funds. Rafael will encourage this to happen by speaking to delinquent owners.

Financial Report. David presented the summary finance statement. We currently have a negative variance for May 2023 of $26761 and YTD positive variance is $52,330. It is important to remember that the statement start date each month is the 10th of the month. Luis and David are working to refund the Reserve account. Four $27,000 payments were not paid last year as planned and another $20,000 was not repaid. This is being rectified by payments monthly.

IRS non payment in 2021 was found to be an error; there was a credit instead which will be sent to our account.

President’s report.

SDGE interaction. SDGE has received our  demand for  reimbursement for the $68,000 overcharge from Dec 2022-Feb 2022 due to their faulty meter. We are waiting for a response.

The Axios account was finally closed thanks to concerted efforts by Ken Sigelman, Cheryl Mahoney and David Zacharias.

David indicated that he and Jack Hammond have been in numerous meetings discussing the exact provisions of the Hannah Gabriel Wells (architect HGW) and Johnson and Jennings (design advisor-contractor J&J) contracts. They have received useful feedback from Elizabeth French, our attorney. The contracts will be signed shortly.


El Mirador Building Committee Reports:

Insurance Committee: Insurance rates will likely go up about 25% in 2023-2024.

Renovation Committee(RC)- Jack Hammond

Significant progress has been made to date. A survey of participants informed the competition by two chosen firms, Hannah Gabriel Wells  (HGW)and Carrier Johnson, which was held on April 5, 2023. HGW won that competition but very nice proposals were put forth and there was much good discussion.

On May 17, 2023, the RC held a design review meeting after members carefully reviewed the survey results and the HGW proposal. Observations and critiques were recorded and provided to HGW for their review. Minutes of that meeting are available. A second design review meeting is planned on June 26,2023.

Based on results from that meeting, a kick off meeting will be held on June 28, 2023 where the RC, HGW and J&J will meet to finalize areas of the proposal requiring modification by HGW with advice from J&J.

Once 25% of the schematic design has been created, a Town Hall for all owners will be held at the Coronado Community Center to review the design and make suggestions for changes. That meeting will occur at 10am on July 26, 2023.

Based on that meetings outcome, HGW will then create a near final  (60%)schematic design and present it to the owners in another town hall on August 23, 2023. At that time, J&J will present their guaranteed maximum price. On August 24, 2023, there will be a special assessment meeting wherein owners will vote on whether to proceed with this renovation.

If the owners approve the schematic design and budget, the schematic design will be finalized and presented to the owners on October 4, 2023.

Later phases will be as follows with approximate timelines:

Design Development -11 weeks

Construction Drawing Production- 11 weeks

Permitting by Coronado -up to 10 weeks

Landscape Committee- Patricia Boer.  See attached report

L &R Committee Report-

The meeting was abbreviated. Only discussion was about the new app for information that will be launched. They also wanted our review of whether an ATM should be installed. We agreed that this was not a cost effective solution since ATM machines are readily available on the island.

Beach Club Advisory Report- Therese Abboud – See report

Enforcement Committee- Clare Conley-  See report

Maintenance Report- Rafael Estrada –See report

PROTECH presentation

We have hired ProTech to temporarily or permanently replace our engineer, Francisco who was terminated.  Pro Tech did a complete audit of building issues on June 15, 2023, at which time many deficiencies were discovered. They will create a  plan to address these according to priorities of (1) health and safety, and (2) likelihood of failure. Tony Cardenas, the leader, presented along with his team: Tony (who has been a building engineer at La Princessa), Emilio (plumbing) and Scott from Servpro.  They intend to create a preventive maintenance plan and train our staff to complete these tasks using a checklist approach which will alert staff to priority tasks. They were very complementary about our staff, especially Rafael, Rebecca, Jesus and Jorge.

At each board meeting, Tony will come and present their priority issues and their plan to address them. Where possible they will work to refurbish rather than replace. They are working to complete and consolidate work orders that are on building link, a program they are very familiar with.

Protech responded to recent problems with backup of kitchen drains. Emilio worked with home owners to assess and mitigate the issues. He informed up that much of the problem was sludge that accumulates when kitchens are unused for a long period of time. To avoid this issue, drains can be cleaned in every unit of problematic stacks once a year, or every 5th floor unit can be done. Alternative pricing will be presented to the board.

Symmons Fire Safety all presented their review of the fire pumps. They recommend that one fire pump be replaced. Cost will be $150-200,000. Exhaust in the fire pump room is not idea. More ventilation is needed. They will recommend a fan to purchase for that purpose. They do not believe the exhaust fumes are related to pump motor damage. They provided a report of sprinklers that need replacement and explained basis for their recommendations. Homeowners will be notified next week.

Schindler call button replacement

This should happen by June 27, 2023. As usual, they have not been responsive.

Contractor damage to elevators

Rafael will develop a policy to deal with contractor damage to elevator doors and elevator walls as well as how pads will be put up and replaced. We will implement a fee for move in and move outs.

Summer bicycle policy

Rafael modified last year’s bicycle policy. It was reviewed and approved and will be sent to all owners.


Old Business:

Package Process: Owners are returning their signed release to put packages into units when they are away. Those who have not done so should do it promptly.


Complaints were summarized in the manager report. No complaints requiring board action were received.


Clare Conley will create a newletter at least monthly using the board meeting minutes for content. This will allow for information and feedback in a simple manner. Liz and Irene will work with her. Irene will make sure the newletter is upload to Whatsapp so that Mexican owners will have access and can respond.

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