Coronado Shores Condominium Association #9



May 19, 2023

The meeting was convened by David Zacharias at 9:01 am April 21, 2023

Directors Present:

David Zacharias, President

Irene Pedroza, Vice President

Luis Lozano, Treasurer

Elizabeth Hammond, Secretary

Carlos Atri, Member at Large by zoom

Others Present:

Rafael Estrada, Association General Manager

Jack Hammond AIA, Advisor to Board

Consent Agenda:

Upon motions duly made, seconded and carried by the Board of Directors, the following consent agenda items were approved with the following changes:

General Board Meeting Minutes, April 21, 2023, approved.

Executive Minutes, April 21, 2023.  approved as written.

Executive Minutes, May 2, 2023, approved as written

Delinquencies: Rafael Estrada

Current delinquencies are minimal. The board encourages all owners to sign up for automatic withdrawal of funds. Rafael will encourage this to happen by speaking to delinquent owners.

Financial Report. Luis presented the summary finance statement. We currently have a positive variance for April 2023 of $26761 and  YTD positive variance is $68,995. The new version of the financial statement will always be attached to the minutes. It is important to remember that the statement start date each month is the 10th of the month.

President’s report.

SDGE interaction. David has written to SDGE demanding reimbursement for the $68,000 overcharge from Dec 2022-Feb 2022 due to their faulty meter. Documentation of past correspondence and proof of their errors were attached, and letter was sent to the CEO,COO, Chief legal officer, and VP of accounting.

David attended the meeting of Presidents of the Coronado Shores Buildings. Organic recycling is now required and will be rolled out to condominium owners and renters later this year. Once that happens, we will define what the best method of promoting this recycling in our building will be.

Electric vehicle charging: Coronado Shores presidents and owners will work with SDGE to define how many charging stations are needed for the entire complex so that surface parking stations can be planned

Water leak detection: Some buildings have replaced all angle stops with brass ones which eliminates much of the water leading problem. This program will be evaluated by our board for feasibility.


El Mirador Building Committee Reports:

Renovation Committee- Jack Hammond

David summarized the status of the contract with HGW. Another meeting to finalize the contract will be held Monday, May 22. After that, an emergency meeting of the board will be held to discuss and approve this contract.

The Remodeling Committee held a design session to review the HGW proposal and make suggestions. Minutes of this meeting will be circulated to all owners. Jack Hammond encouraged all owners to review the proposal and make suggestions directly to him or other remodeling committee members. He provided his email address to the front desk staff. [email protected]

After the contract is signed, the remodeling committee will meet with the architect to refine the proposal from the building perspective. This meeting will occur in early June. Once 25% of the schematic design has been created, another owner meeting will be held to discuss and review that proposal. Financial projections of cost should be available at that time.

Landscape Committee- Patricia Boer.  See attached report

L &R Committee Report-

Irene attended the L&R meeting and described the intent of the committee to hire a consultant to create a phase 1 master plan so that budgeting and project management will be efficient. McMahon Community is the chosen contractor. Cost will be  $50,000. A pickle ball hybrid court is planned.

Lost card fees will go up to $20.00

Beach Club Advisory Report- Therese Abboud – See report

Enforcement Committee- Clare Conley-  See report

Maintenance Report- Rafael Estrada –See report

Preventive Maintenance Committee. No meeting; next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 14 at 9 am in the lobby. A new chair is being sought.

New Business

Elevator noise is still present and device to control access is still not provide. $30,000 is still owed to Schindler. Rafael will meet with them this week.

Booster pumps for the building need to be replaced. The board approved replacing them as soon as possible.

Security in the building was discussed. The key for using the elevators will be removed after 5 pm on weekdays and not be available on weekends. The lower level garage will not be left open.

Summer bicycle policy will be discussed at the next meeting.

Old Business:

Package Process: Modified package policy will be distributed this week.

Elizabeth will get signatures from Ken and Cheryl to close the Axios account. Rafael now has the proper form so that this can be done.


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